
What does it mean to be an innovation leader?

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For us, being an innovation leader means setting the course for excellence, leading the way into the unknown.

To be an innovation leader we constantly have to challenge yesterday’s methods to tomorrow’s problems. Because of the rapid advancement in technology, the methods that once worked to solved problems are no longer as effective.

Ones ability to be flexible and adapt to change is crucial to not falling behind in this VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambigious) environment.

In our industry, change is always on the way. Simply put, there is always innovation work to be done. For that reason, we have naturally engrained innovation into our organisations DNA.

Design thinking is what we do on a daily basis – big and small. Our team draws on imagination, intuition and systemic reasoning to explore the possibilities of what could be, to create desired outcomes that benefit the end user.

As Sebastiaan van Kemp, Innovation Manger at Access Technology Group put it “we had to develop a new way of thinking in order to design better solutions, services and experiences to solve the new wave of problems we will face today and in the future”.

Around our office you’ll see us designing solutions for tomorrow with creative thinking all over – from bicycles being upcycled to badging wheels for collecting a large sum of data, to water fountains being used to simulate continuous rain fall… nothing is “too crazy” at the ATG headquarters.

Click on the images below to get redirected to our creative solutions for testing.

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VISICS second location is now opened!

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Our second location is now opened!

The new location is our new inventory warehouse to receive and test VISICS equipment which comes back from the field. It supports our Headquarters that’s based in the Netherlands.

Opening a second location is a critical step that will give us the opportunity and space to develop and expand our projects.

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The VISICS experience is now on wheels!

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We’ve transformed a trailer to demo the VISICS system, one side simulates a confined space and the other acts as the VISICS command center.

Check out the video to see the final result!

If you would like a demo, please contact us using the contact form.

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The Dräger Experience

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We’re happy to be a part of the history of Dräger!

VISICS has been added to the Dräger experience exhibition located in Lübeck, Germany.

At the exhibition you can experience 130 years of history, from the family-run company to the newest innovations and products.

Being part of the Dräger exhibition is a perfect symbol of the collaborative history between VISICS and Dräger. VISICS and Dräger have been partners since 2010 and have been active in over 15 countries together.

You can read more about the exhibition here:

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A new world record!

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There goes our biggest project of the year, off to the UK to set a new world record!

During this turnaround, our mobile VISICS solution will be monitoring 160 confined spaces – able to see what’s happening inside the confined space, communicate with the engineers performing the maintenance activities and register exactly who has entered and left the manholes and at what time. All for a safer and more efficient turnaround!

Monitoring takes place onsite with our fully redundant server solution.

A big thanks to our trusted partner ESS Safeforce.

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